Saturday, June 30, 2012

Honey berry, Oakridge mall

It's my hubby's off and we watched Snow White movie at Oakridge mall with our daughter. We chased after the early bird promo for movies in which you just have to pay USD 6.50 instead of paying USD 12 per person. Then he had a great deal where in when you buy any size drink, you get a free small popcorn. We bought a 1 large sprite and we got a small popcorn. I didn't add more butter. We thought it wasn't enough for all of us but since we just had brunch at home, we ended up seeing our popcorn half full when the movie was about to end. We usually buy large sizes popcorn that you can have a refill after you finish that whole junk and have it refilled so we could bring some home. Like you have to have it filled up again just to feel you didn't lose anything and made you money worth the popcorn without even realizing that it's added calories to your bud. I just realized that we are just trying finished it up unless you came in the movie so hungry. In the end I realized that small popcorn is just enough for the 3 of us especially when it comes to calories and health. Not worth for your health I think. Then when we purchased our drink we were deciding if we should go for the large one or medium. We ended up buying the large one and it turns out that we have to throw away after finishing the movie. Though it's just 50 cents difference, I felt like it's not worth losing that 50 cents and adding those calories in your body. At least I know next time. I am not really a big fan of soda.

On our way out, Zoe, our daughter wanted some Rotti Bun and we just loved the Honey Berry Roti bun. We just decided to get 2 of them, 1 plain for my daughter and 1 with cream cheese for me and my hubby. It was yummy and it was enough to fulfill our urge. 

I think Roti buns where made in Malaysia but I have first seen it in a coffee shop in Singapore. Although never tasted it there, it's my first time to have tried it here in the US a couple of months ago which my bro-in-law introduced it to us and it was yummy. I believed that the outer part contains coffee so I advise not to let your kids eat the outside part and that's what my lovely daughter did. She like scraped the outer part and just ate the bread in it. 


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